Monday, September 6

Wanna go Taiwan.

Well, this had bugging me for awhile so, trying to decide whether to go for a backpacking trip or just purchase a round island trip instead?

I had spent a few hours searching for a good deal at Matta Fair last Friday. Unfortunately, i couldn't find a package which would include the air fares plus a maximum of 3 days of tours only because i was planning to extend the return flight so that we could travel on ourselves for the remaining days. Saddest news was, we'd missed the RM199 taipei all-in-fares!! It was sold out when we finally decided to call up the agent on the last day which was yesterday. :( sad sad sad So now the returns flight becomes RM800 per pax T.T This late decision costs RM500, good grief!

I'm planning a trip to visit Taiwan end of this year and i can't wait for it. In my heart, i am pretty sure that I wanted to explore on my own rather than following a bunch of people and everything is nicely planned ahead for us. I had experience a backpacking trip before and i love it so much!

The date is already confirmed, i'm travelling on 1st Jan 2011! Now i'm waiting for my passport to get done and all the reservations for accommodation over there. I have contacted a few of them and hopefully things will sail smoothly. And i have decided to get myself a new gadget - a wide angle lens for this trip. Just mere thinking about it, i'm so excited by now. Meanwhile, i will be working for 3 months during my coming semester break.

Shyt, I supposed to be studying for finals now. So, I need to temporarily leave this thing aside before it affects my study motivation!

Gao Mei Shi Di 高美溼地

Su Hua Road 苏花公路(Copied from Jenny's blog)

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