Tuesday, November 10


Been seeing people mention the word "end" in their personal message in msn, status in facebook or even it never absent in conversations that i had came across. I remember i received a text message about it too this morning, but it was a lovely one. Everyone, anytime and everywhere!

Why is everyone talking about end of the world..

Is it because of the movie 2012 or is it because of the facts that keep proving the earth is going to an end? I would want some chocolates before it ends, well.. with my loved one. So my friend were talking it too during the boring lecture. He said firstly he would say I LOVE YOU for to his loved one, then play the last round of dota, play the football, bla..*didn't pay attention* and lastly would sleep and wait for the end. One point he mentioned i quite agree was "... and make sure you really die on that day." Ha, i don't wanna live on without my dears either.

Freaking worried now.

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