Tuesday, April 7

Run babe, run!

It was 3am in the morning, in tired and sleepy mood. But hey, I was still roaming around in my house at this hour while others are snoring. So I was doing craps again as pictures said. After month end and crazy sales closing, I am almost feel bored of working. My paycheque wasn't fat enough though due to some error. All i wish now, just to do whatever my heart goes. A long to-do list. Meanwhile, still waiting for friends to bring me out. In fact I'm ready to pack and hit the road for some vacation. People bring me out pls. Run away from this harsh city, ignore all the hisses from the tragic fate. The sad thing now is tomorrow is double day, it supposed to be a busy day with clients and endless phone calls. And sadly i have only a few appointments for later. How am i going to survive. Recently, I have encounter alot of bad lucks. The only thing i could do is look at the bright side of life and give up asking why. With the weak understanding of karma, my entire empty soul had conquered by the vile creature, hate. I am now learning to forgive people that i hate so much without thinking of revenge. I have to control my anger and turn it down to love. So i believe by putting more love, someday god would forgive me. I shall not have cared so much for now, just hope that what happen today will be forgotten by tomorrow. Karma, someday will goes back to you. Just like a game. I will gain back what I have lost today. God bless me.

Close my eyes
Let darkness swallow me up
At least it doesn't leave me alone to bleed
So that i need not to feel anything
Craving for peace
while we’re still alive
farewell serves for a brighter hope of a sweet hello
in the same way
that a twilight must there to have a daybreak

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