Wednesday, March 25


It is hard for one to play two roles at a time. Hide up all the feelings that one supposed to express. Some says, the farthest journey in this world is not between life and death but the distance between me and you, where I'm standing in front of you and you never realize how much i am into you. It takes courage to love someone. We will share the same love only in silence when we understand each other. Bring me into a way of your understanding because i never understand what love is. I keep giving them away but only some are returning to me. By doing it carefully and not so obvious, I would not jump in recklessly and could save myself from heartbreaking. Until now, I still remember the curse of my life. I'm afraid. I've always thought fell down too often will grow one stronger. But in fact, it grows fear in me. The scar may be torn even wider. There is no one for me. I shall fight all alone till the end of the journey of this life.
How can we get a love so true. How nice. How sad.

It's a deadline week so i have a lot more to do and to catch up to the top closer. Deep sigh. Disappointments just kept on hitting me, blank promises seem fine with the world. Excuses over excuses, just to ease off their guiltiness! I've lost the faith in people.

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