Monday, March 9

Against The Clock

Health freak.

That is how my dad called me when he saw me was busy in the kitchen with veges. Lettuces, tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, and a little thousand island dressing make my day. Gain weight is ten times easier than lose weight, what a wonderful thing in world.

Working is fun. But I need to earn more in a short period of time, what keeps me going is only money. Really glad that i tried this job. I've learnt alot. I am sure i will miss all my crazy colleagues soon. Thanks for everything ya.

This is the phone where i spend my day on it. Red colour means on the line, but this happens only once in a blue moon. Probably after getting scold from out manager and happen for like few hours and then back to normal again.

So that was one afternoon, the Raj was playing with the fire extinguisher and then suddenly the whole office was whitely fumed. He is too playful. O.0 The desk, chair, floor were all dusty and his playfulness troubled the pak cik cleaner to clean up the mess that he left.

My manager(guy) and one of my colleague(girl). Handsome boh? LOL

True Fitness outdoor swimming pool on 4th floor.

p/s: sorry for the not quality pictures nowadays. My photoshop software is gone due to the recent com reformat.

1 comment:

Bing said...

wow.. looks like u're working in a resort-lookalike place!